In our enclosed life, hidden with Christ in God, we desire to be fraternal witnesses of the life of the Family of Nazareth through prayer, sacrifice, work, and fraternal sharing of every day. Our lives are far from being a “refuge” because our life choice brings our praying heart closer to the needs and necessities of our brothers and sisters, and the Church, like Mary Virgin, Mother, Wife, and Sister. Each day we present the spiritual and material needs of our brothers and sisters to the Lord. Our role in the church is very significant, the Gospel says so … Mary has chosen the better part…!

In imitation of Our Lord the nuns submit to the common law of work as intelligent collaboration in God’s creative work, which develops and matures humans; as witnesses to poverty and sharing, and as an instrument of sanctification and penance. We engage in work in the house and garden and those commissioned (sewing, vestments, religious habits), to provide the necessary support for the community and as poor people that earn their bread by the sweat of their brows, united in Christ, in prayer, and in the toil at the house in Nazareth. Each day in the convent is marked by the Liturgy of the Hours, community prayer, meditation, work, and rest. Timetable of the monastic community.
04.45: Rising signal
05.30: Prayer time
06.00: Laudes, morning Prayer, meditation
07.00: Holy Mass
07.45: Terce
12.00: Sext
15.15: None and Rosary
18.30: Vespers, Meditation
21.00: Compline

Our Monastery of Rome, has a foundation in Manila – Philippines, since 1995
Monastery of the Most Holy Annunciation
n. 3, Romulo Street
Pacific Malayan Village- Alabang (Hills) Muntinlupa City – Philippines
tel. 00632 8420398 – e-mail: blununmp@yahoo.com