Reverend Mother Maria Teresa of the Cross of Christ o.s.s.a – Prioress
Founder of the Convent in Manila – Philippines
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, a very warm welcome to all of you. Welcome to our little bit of paradise. Let us thank the Lord because the Internet provides us with a welcome opportunity to be near to you in joy and fraternity.
To all of those that have been kind enough to visit this site, thank you.
We are a community of nuns that take solemn vows, dedicated to a contemplative life, and belong to the Order of the Most Holy Annunciation, the “Monache Celesti” also known as the “Turchine” due to the sky blue colour of our habit. We have been in Rome since 1676 and currently have thirteen sisters from various countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and the Philippines. Since 1995 we have also had a foundation in Manila in the Philippines.
Our presence here in Rome, at the centre of Christianity, in an everyday metropolis that does not escape material and spiritual problems, is intended to bear witness to the Love of Christ, the Word Incarnate, who came into the world to tell us that our strength lies in love.
In his Encyclical “Deus Caritas Est” Pope Benedict XVI talks about the unity of Love in creation and the history of salvation, and Jesus, the Word of God, teaches us to love our brothers.
The world, we are told, is not able to understand a life choice like ours today, that promises the exact opposite of the gratification our society seems to offer a young woman: brilliant career, family, and the possibility of great achievements at work. But what moved us to withdraw into a Convent? … what is our secret? Do you want to know my beloved brothers and sisters? It is Love, that Love that is written with a capital “L”. A step forward in quality, a life option … “a successful marriage” … and that is because the “Spouse is Jesus Christ” and we live in a dimension of marital Love that really is special, because we live with Him, in Him, and for Him … with Mary the Mother of the Word, the Virgin of the Annunciation.
Particular devotion to the Word Incarnate is part of our charism, shown in the nine months that precede the Nativity of our Lord. Then there are other practices of piety like the nine weeks leading up to Christmas, the Solemn Christmas Novena, and joy at the coming of the Lord among us.
We are separated from the world but our heart is always open to all of you, beloved brothers in Christ. Our monastic life, far from being a refuge for frustrated women, as many imagine, is life choice full of meaning. We have among us nuns from various social standings, even of noble origin, that have found Christ, the “Great Love”.
It would bring us joy to be in communion with you, to exchange ideas, information, and comments on our vocational charism and our living witness to people today.
We embrace you in Christ, the Word of God made man.
The Reverend Mother Prioress
and Monastic Community